Brissinge's avatar


Everything or nothing at all.

World-of-Colderra, has been around for some time, and now, with great help of other people and most faithfull players, is time to try kick up the engines again, and bring it to the more modern interface. I will not lie, DeviantArt with all of it's changes isn't helping much, but I am trying to work with it, though Discord is place where rolls, communication, various event announcements and such happen.

But here is list of thigs, that are new or definitely need reminding:

  • Website. Woc has all rules and gameplay mechanics, lore bits and everything written in there. All core things are done.

  • Discord. Definitely important thing for fast communication and important gameplay elements (dice rolling).

  • Tacker. To help you track your progression in the game, there is a tracker in google sheets, aimed to do the counting for you.

  • Designed to be played with multiple characters.

  • Leaderboard. You can quickly see, how well other players are doing, and if you feel competitive, you will see how much to do, to get on the top.

  • Ingame currency. Now it is fully working, and you don't need to put a single dA point into the game, if you don't want to.

  • Calendar. Google calendar with events written for a atleast a year ahead, and connected to Discord, to give you notifications in right time to enter. Or you ca add the calendar to you google calendar.

  • Mini-events. Struggling with ideas to draw? Mini-events are short little assigments, that rewuire posting on certain day(s). They are set on repeat through year.

  • Activites without time restrictions. Plenty of stuff you can do in your own pace and your own time.

  • Collectible cards and potential card game. Collect digital cards with player characters, that have reached highest level.

If you are into ARPGs, come to check the group, maybe it will catch your eye.

And if you are already a WoC player, Azol'amath carnival is active again, Wanna join?

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It's that summery time of year again, which brings carnival event to the World-of-Colderra

This time we will do something a bit different.

I invite you all for underwater CARRIAGE race!

Ah yes. Bring the mount-povered subs. xD

All info can be found in external World of Colderra website

> clink here for redirection <

all comments can be asked here on dA :)

Deadline 31st August 2021

Diving 3
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ARPG vs Eclipse

6 min read
I am quite afraid of how will be ARPGs and original species groups possible after the permanent change of dA to Eclipse mode. I've seen few forum threads/journals devoted to this topic and not all hope is gone... but there's serious shivers all over my spine thinking about dA becoming extremelly unfriendly to ARPG and such.
Colderra is way too small fish to make any impact so I hope bigger ARPG groups will step up (as it seems they did so far) and force through some positive features.

With me being pretty skeptical about what would possibly happen I will reveal my quite ambicious plans I had for Colderra. I have no idea if I will be able to realize them tho

Prject of actual solo-standing website devoted just to gameplay
Project started around August 2019

Colderra would become sort of web game with connection to dA (via links to pictures).
The thing is, that my brother creates website professionally and we were discussing whether it is possible to create web system that will allow user/rider profile creation, automatic points and levels counting and such. Basicly all the stuff we do manually... it is hella a lot work for me to think through and plan. How to implement gameplay rules we have now, or change them. And working with my brother is not the easiest thing as he looks on thing differently.
For example: he refuses to acknowledge that events have to be judged by judges that are people. He is trying to force through AI that would count the points and decide about placement. He is trying literally to take out all personal/human impact on final results. Which is something I disagree greatly. In my eyes it would take out all the actuall personal look and identity of Colderra. It is impossible to rank art based on AI. That's like replacing judges on gymnastic competition by robots.
This is one of the things we got stuck on. Then I moved away to my own flat and we got stuck even more as we don't see and talk to each other so often. Also quarantine restricted me from visiting my family.
Second reason to get stuck was how many different factors are there to influence point counting. Such as art by others, breeding, levels of breeded animals and such.
We created a diagram and tried to make templates for databases. The project did start, but we have a lot to go through before it's possible.

The domain is a problem.
One cannot simply run webpage without domain, and domains do not do it for free. Me and bro already discussed what domains could we use and how much it would monthly cost. I am trying to go for cheap domain that would provide enough speed, space and stability for Colderra databases. I am considering even creating server PC that would store databases of Colderra. I do not want Colderra to become pay-to-play thing! So I am searching for options that I would be able to monthly pay by myself.

Problems with pictures
We do not know whether we will have enough space in databasis (for low price) for upload of pictures. Such as pics of mounts/riders etc. We have to resolve this too.

There's more issues we found in this thing, but I don't feel the urge to list them.

Colderra webgame is POSSIBILITY not a SURE thing that will happen. If the dA will no longer be able to support ARPG friendly system, I might have no other choice than get the webgame to work.

Just a note: I do not search for advice on running webpages yet. So far I only inforn about my thoughts.


Mám celkem obavu jak si povedou ARPG a original species skupiny po permanentním přechodu dA na Eclipse. Viděla jsem nějaká fóra a journaly které se tomuto tématu věnují a ne všechna naděje je pryč... ale stejně mi běhá mráz po zádech když mě napadne že dA by se mohl stát extrémně nepřátelským k ARPG a podobně.
Colderra je moc malá ryba na to, aby měla nějaký vliv, takže doufám že větší ARPG skupiny se postaví (jakože už to i dělají) a protlačí nějaké pozivitní prvky.

S mojí skepsí vůči možnému vývoji situace odhalím můj poněkud ambiciozní plán s Colderrou. ale netuším, jestli ho zvládnu realizovat

Projekt samostatné webové stránky věnované jen gameplayi
Projekt začal někdy v srpnu 2019
Colderra by se stala takovou webovou hrou s konexí na dA (skrz linky na obrázky).
Věc se má tak, že bratr je profi-webdesigner a bavili sme se o tom, jestli je možný vytvořit webový systém co by umožnoval uživatel/jezdec profil, automatické počítání bodů a levelů a podobně. V podstatě to co teď děláme manuálně... je to pro mě spoustu práce s vymýšlením a plánováním. Jak implementovat herní pravidla co máme teď, nebo je změnit. A práce s bráchou taky není nejlehčí, jelikož se na věci prostě dívá jinak.
Příklad: odmítá uznat, že eventy musí být posuzovány sudími co jsou lidé. Snaží se mě donutit použít AI co bude počítat body a rozhodne o umístění. Doslova se snaží odstranit veškěrý osobní/lidský faktor z finálních výsledků. Což je něco s čím dost nesouhlasím. Z mého pohledu by to odstranilo veškerou osobnost a identitu Colderry. Je nemožné hodnotit umění pomocí AI. To je jako vyměnit sudí u gymnastické souteže za roboty.
To je jedna z věci na který sme se zasekli. Pak jsem se odstěhovala do vlastního bytu a zasekli jsme se ještě víc, jelikož se nevidáme a nemluvíme spolu tak často. Taky karanténa mi brání v navštívení rodiny.
Druhý důvod k záseku je kolik různých faktorů ovlivňje počítání bodů. Jako obrázky od ostatních, breed, levely breedovaných zvířat atp.
Vyrobili sme diagram a pokusili se o šablonu na databáze. Projekt začal, ale bude trvat než se umožní.

Doména je problém.
Nelze rozběhnout webovou stránku bez domény a domény nejsou zadarmo. S bráchou sme už diskutovali ohledně použitelných domén a kolik by to měsíčně stálo. Chci nějaou relativně levnou co poskytne dostatek rychlosti, místa a stability pro Colderrský databáze. Zvažuju že bych vytvořila vlastní PC na kterým by bežel server pro databázi. Nechci aby se Colderra stala pay-to-play hrou! takže hledám možnost co budu schopná měsíčně platit sama.

Potíže s obrázky
Nevíme jestli bude dost místa v databázích (za nízkou cenu) pro upload obrázků. Jako profilovky mountů/jezdců atp. To musíme ještě vyřešit.

Obecně těch věcí k řešení je daleko víc, ale ty další nemám potřebu tu vypisovat.

Colderra webgame je MOŽNOST ne JISTOTA. Pokud nebude dA schopno nadále podporovat systém přátelský pro ARPG, možná nebudu mít jinou možnost že webhru rozběhnout.

Poznámka: Zatím nehledám radu jak vést/rozchodit webpage. Zatím jen informuju o tom, co se mi honí hlavou.

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So I thought I could use my old phone for Woc-brissinge account to get notifications of comments and notes, but it seems like dA doesn't give a damn about notification system anymore.
I remember like 3-4 years ago my phone was screaming and vibrating every second on every fav, comment, whatever. I was even annoyed by it. But now it doesn't do anything at all. Despite push notifications being in dA app settings, it doesn't do anything. My phone has notifications of that app allowed, even set on highest priority.
I've tried sending myself multiple notes and putting test comments on submissions to see if it will give me notification. Nothing.

I'm kinda pissed by this issue, as I really want to get info from other ACC but I barely remember to relog into that ACC. Sucks.

Anyone has any way how to get automatic notifications from dA, so I don't have to check every moment manually?
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Challenge for November.

Everybody is welcome to join this! No need to be member or have anything to do with World-of-Colderra at all.
Tho yeah, members of Colderra will be able to win stuff in this Greetings. But not much, as it's mostly for those who actually want to challenge themself.

Had idea of this since first Inktober I joined. I like the concept of drawing challenges that take whole month and are test of presistance. I was also considering, what would be the best challenge to do... I considered drawing various mounts for a month or races or OCs and other stuff connected to Colderra... but it didn't feel quite like I wanted to set it as theme for whole month. My first Inktober experience was, that drawing with ink everyday made me like the medium more than before. And drawing with ink stayed with me for whole time I was finishing school (that was next 2 years).

So I was thinking: what is thing that could be cool to do? To challenge people to try to improve... all of you (WoC people) draw your mounts (mostly horses) very often in compare to other stuff so I would like to challenge to draw hummanoids. Not just your OC or riders, but overall anything that has atleast halfbody anthropomorfic (hummanoid) body frame (so the challenge can include taurs, nagas and other half humanoid things).

So here's the thing. Jobs. Persons who do certain jobs.

Art style or medium: It's gonna be your picture, you will present yourself with it, so I would presume you will want it to look as nice as possible in your eyes, but not put too much effort to it since it will be everyday bread to draw a picture. I don't require only traditional or only digital art, nor only inks or colors. Do what you wish, but keep in mind this is challenge. So choosing something you haven't really tried before is welcome.
All jobs should have MEDIEVAL FANTASY twist to it. I cannot force you to depict them as that, but I would be super glad if you tried to stick to it xD. Even finding references from history and such, doesn't have to be only european hisotry inspired ofc.
Depicted persons doesn't have to be fullbody, but it has to contain atleast a prtion of some body part (otherwise it looses meaning to do hummanoid challenge ehmehm) and something that will tell us which job it is.
Character: random ones, your OCs, OCs of others...
Ambience: not required, it's up to you

Rewards for WoC members:
5 days finished: +1 level to your mount of you choice
10 days finished: +2 levels to your rider of your choice
15 days finished: Uncommon item for mount or rider of your choice
20 days finished: I will split 300:points: among those who reach this
25 days finished: Free perk or transmog of your choice up to level 4
30 days finished: I will split 300:points: among those who reach this.
Rewards stack, so who will manage finishing whole thing get's all.

Some jobs have note to them, since it might be a bit unsure, what it actually means (i'm not native to english, so I might be wrong) also all jobs will have czech word for it. Days with more words divided by slash (/) have multiple options to pick from, or job have more words that mean same thing.

Here's list of jobs for every day:

1. Shaman/druid - šaman/druid
2. Bard/minstrel/jester - bard/minstrel/šašek
3. Handler/stablekeeper - handlíř/stájník
   Doesn't have to be just horse handler, or horse stablekeeper :D
4. Fisherman - rybář
5. Builder/architect - stavitel/architekt
6. Undertaker - hrobař
    The one who burries people, doesn't matter if in soil, burn of mummify
7. King/Emperor/Tzar - král/císař/car
    The one who rules over kingdom/empire
8. Cook/brewmaster - kuchař/sládek
9. Servant/slave - sluha/otrok
10. Ranger - hraničář/pohraničník
     The one who guards borders or deals with foreign outlaws
11. Tailor - krejčí
12. Carpenter - tesař
13. Jeweler - šperkař/zlatník
14. Lumberman/woodsman - dřevorubec/lesník
15. Queen/empress - královna/císařovna
16. Sailor - námořník
17. Falconer - sokolník
     the one who keeps flying animals that hunt or carry messages
18. Artist - umělec
     the one who creates visual art: painting, drawing, sculpting, pottery...
19. General - generál
     the one who leads army
20. Farmer/Gardener - farmář
21. Miner - horník
22. Priest/monk - kněz/mnich
23. Doctor/medik - doktor/medik
24. Mage/scholar - mág/učenec
     the one who studies magic or nature's laws on high academical level
25. Huntsman - lovec
26. Soldier/guard - voják/strážný
     military unit or city/castle/temple... guard
27. Homeless/beggar - bezdomovec/žebrák
28. Spy/saboteur - špeh/sabotér
29. Executioner - kat
30. Knight - rytíř
     The honorable, noble one

if you are not from Colderra and want to share them into WoC group, mention this journal in picture describtion and I will add it.

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ARPG vs Eclipse by Brissinge, journal

dA app notifications? by Brissinge, journal

*ENDED*Challenge: JOBEMBER by Brissinge, journal

*RESULTS* RWS 2018 by Brissinge, journal

*RESULTS* Colderrian grand Prix 2018 by Brissinge, journal